Basic introduction: Real Revolution, In This Time: What the Powers-That-Be Don't Want You to Know
This playlist is a basic introduction. If you don't know why we need a revolution, and how this is possible, you don't know what you NEED to know.
Real Revolution, In This Time:
What the Powers-That-Be Don't Want You to Know
A series of social media dispatches from Bob Avakian
Listen to this 11 part playlist speaking to the basic and urgent questions of why we need this revolution (with extensive exposure of the crimes of this system, right down to today), why this revolution is possible in this “rare time,” and how this revolution could actually succeed (how we could win).
Revolution #1: If you're not afraid of the truth...
Revolution #2: Let’s start with this big question: When has the USA been a “great country?”
Revolution #3: USA: # 1 imperialist oppressor
Revolution #4: Answering those who ask, "Why should I care about Palestine when we've got problems here?"
Revolution #5: Israel and Palestine: A terrible ironic twist of history
Revolution #6: Taking on the "justifications" for Israel's genocide of Palestinians
Revolution #7: Why is the U.S. supporting Israel's genocide of Palestinians before the eyes of the whole world?
Revolution #8: Revolution could happen: right here, right in this time
Revolution #9: The three basic conditions for revolution
Revolution #10: Yes, a revolution, to overthrow this system of capitalism-imperialism, could win.
Revolution #11: The 2024 elections, a deepening crisis, the possibility for revolution