[Audio transcript]
Number One
This is Bob Avakian (BA), revolutionary leader—bringing forward a whole new way, a whole new framework for human emancipation: the new communism. I’m coming to you straight up, bringing truth the powers-that-be don’t want you to have—truth you need to know—the truth about the revolution we need: why this revolution is necessary; why and how it is actually possible, and what this revolution is all about. Because: If you don’t understand why we need a revolution, and how that revolution could be possible, then you don’t know what you need to know.
I’m not talking about some so-called “revolution” that leaves this system of capitalism-imperialism in power, crushing lives and killing spirits on a massive scale.
This is not about just changing the faces of the oppressors who are ruling this people-killing, environment-destroying, nuclear-war-threatening system that poses a growing danger to the very existence of human beings everywhere.
And I’m not talking about what goes on now, where some get ahead—and a few get big bank and become part of the “business” of exploiting people—while masses of people are still held down, exploited, abused and despised.
I’m talking about a real revolution—a revolution to actually overthrow this system we are now forced to live under, and bring something much better into being—a whole different way to live and to relate to each other, a completely different system, working to meet the fundamental needs of the masses of people, and to serve their highest interests in putting an end to all oppression and exploitation, everywhere in the world. A revolution, and a radically new society, that really is liberating and uplifting.
And I’m talking about a real revolution in this time, not in some far off distant time.
“But,” you say, “this could never really happen—we could never really win.” Yes, we could—and I’m gonna get into how, as this goes along.
I’m gonna break all this down and make it come alive, in a series of messages coming to you, so everyone can get it. I’m gonna rip away the camouflage covering up the brutal reality of this so-called “great democracy” and “great system” that we are now forced to live under—and I’m gonna get down on how people need to get out of the bullshit they are into, and get into this revolution—now.
And for any of you “woke” posers and hustlers out there: don’t even bother with that nonsense about “who are you” to say all this. I’ll tell you who I am: I am someone who is heart and soul, hardcore serious about a revolution where people can get all the way free—someone with a scientific understanding of the need, and the possibility, for this revolution. As serious as this is, I don’t have time, and we don’t have time, for any of this pitiful, going-nowhere-good garbage about who has a right to say this or that. Everyone has the right, and the responsibility, to learn the truth, and to speak the truth, especially about truly life and death matters, dealing with the whole situation and the whole future of humanity—and everyone has the right and the responsibility to act on that truth.
So, those of you who are not afraid of the truth: Get ready for messages coming at you, bringing the reality of what is going on in the biggest and deepest dimensions—and most of all the reality of the revolution we urgently need, the revolution we have a real chance to bring about, right in this country, right in this intense and momentous time we are living in now.