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What Bob Avakian is saying is so true and expresses succinctly what is happening all too often!!

Some people (including too many of my friends and acquaintances) need to get off of their identity politics (frankly, this is just another form of “me first-ism”, I don’t care about everyone else) and seriously start thinking about all of humanity. The only objectively true way anyone is going to free their particular group or community is to free ALL of humanity. And to do that, these “wokesters”, and all people, need to approach the world scientifically, take responsibility for finding and fighting for the truth to be able to emancipate ALL of humanity, which means finding and joining up with the Revcoms wherever you are while we still have a chance to stop fascism and succeed in making a real revolution in our lifetime.

And, as Bob Avakian also says, “Everything else, in the final analysis, is bulls**t”.

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