What are the actionable, revolutionary steps to get rid of the DNC and GOP?

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The need is actually to get rid of the whole capitalist-imperialist system that those political parties rule, through a real revolution that overthrows this system and replaces it with a radically different economic and political system based in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic of North America. For why we need this revolution and how this is possible IN THIS TIME, listen to @BobAvkianOfficial's messages numbered 1-11. The actionable revolutionary strategy is spoken to especially in 8-11. This piece, REVOLUTION: Building Up the Basis to Go for the Whole Thing With a Real Chance to Win lays out the strategy to bring forward thousands NOW, aiming to lead millions to seize on the rare opening we face now where revolution has become more possible: https://revcom.us/en/revolutionbuilding-basis-go-whole-thing-real-chance-winstrategic-orientation-and-practical-approach

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