Sep 1·edited Sep 1

No, you don't get to tell black people how we're supposed to feel. This entire article is nonsense. If as a black person I feel neglected and even pushed out for another group, you don't get to lecture me about it. The problem with people like you is instead of getting to the root cause of anti immigration sentiment in the black community you'd rather shout and lecture from the pulpit. You point to racism and the "system" as a way to silence us into submission. This type of snooty Democrat arrogance is the reason Hillary Clinton lost in 2016!

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He does get to tell people THE TRUTH about what's in their actual interests, which is NOT fighting over the crumbs of this oppressive system of capitalism-imperialism. This is what Bob Avakian said in his first of these social media posts: "And for any of you “woke” posers and hustlers out there: don’t even bother with that nonsense about “who are you” to say all this. I’ll tell you who I am: I am someone who is heart and soul, hardcore serious about a revolution where people can get all the way free—someone with a scientific understanding of the need, and the possibility, for this revolution. As serious as this is, I don’t have time, and we don’t have time, for any of this pitiful, going-nowhere-good garbage about who has a right to say this or that. Everyone has the right, and the responsibility, to learn the truth, and to speak the truth, especially about truly life and death matters, dealing with the whole situation and the whole future of humanity—and everyone has the right and the responsibility to act on that truth." https://bobavakianofficial.substack.com/p/revolution-number-one

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THIS IS AN INSULT to the Black people who’ve slaved and BUILT this country. To be compared to low lives who haven’t suffered in America is a JOKE! Giving away American taxpayer dollars to these people is betrayal to every American living in this nation-no matter their color. One thing that makes this country great is our ability to stick together when things become tough. You can BET your ass AMERICANS of all colors will continue to fight against the crazy liberals and their agenda. This is America and YOU can’t have it.

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Insult to Black people? Bob Avakian has enough respect for Black people to take on the system's divide and conquer and tell the truth when it matters most to getting humanity free-- including Black people as an essential part of that.

The real insult to Black people is this ridiculous statement from you: "One thing that makes this country great is our ability to stick together when things become tough."

Do you mean at the time of the founding of this country, when Black people were in slave chains?

Do you mean during the Civil War when Black people were killed in much greater numbers and often far more brutally than whites who were fighting?

Do you mean for generations after the Civil War when Black people were still chained to the land economically and due to lynch mob terror?

Do you mean when 4 little Black girls were bombed in their church... when Martin was assassinated... when Malcolm was assassinated... when Fred Hampton was assassinated?

Or do you mean now, when Black people are stalked, terrorized, brutalized and KILLED again and again and again by pig police and locked up at rates that shock the conscience of the world?

The problem is the SYSTEM of capitalism-imperialism that BOTH the fascist Republicans AND the Democrats represent -- the system Bob Avakian is fighting to get rid of!

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This country WAS built on the stolen labor, rape and vicious oppression of Black people... it was built on the theft of land from Mexico and the genocide of the Native people's... and the wealth America is amassing today is from the brutal exploitation of people all over the world whose countries America has destroyed with their wars, invasions and economic devastation. You want to try to own this nightmare? No, what we need to do is get rid of it!

The problem is NOT the immigrants. The problem is this SYSTEM of capitalism-imperialism. A system that needs to be overthrown through an actual revolution.

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You sound like you THINK you have a RIGHT or ability to put Black ppl in their places? So you completely IGNORE the constant history of disenfranchisement against BA. Now the country’s gates are open to anyone with a pulse? Black Americans fought tooth and nails for citizenship in this country and are still fighting for their freedom. Now, citizenship is passed around like candy? Immigrants WERE AND ARE used in this country to KEEP disenfranchising BA! But you wouldn’t dare hang a sign saying, WHITE AMERICANS HATING ON BLACK AMERICANS AND THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER!! ALL WHITE AMERICANS ARE IMMIGRANTS on STOLEN LAND that BELONGS TO THOSE CALLED BLACK AMERICANS. So WHITE AMERICANS NEED TO STOP THEIR HATRED! You racist parasite.

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You're ranting about a message that you obviously didn't read! I'm just going to quote it again and challenge you to raise your sights and stop falling for this system's divide and conquer: "So I have a question for any Black people today who are caught up in this hating on immigrants: Do you really want to be like the rabid white racists?

Or, do you want to put an end to this madness—that you, and the immigrants, are being put through?

It is this system that has put Black people through hell for centuries, and is still putting Black people through hell.

And it is this system of capitalism-imperialism that is putting masses of immigrants through hell—making life unliveable for tens of millions throughout the world—forcing them to leave their homes and homelands in a desperate search for a decent life, and then be exploited and discriminated against if they make it to the country most responsible for their miserable situation: this country, the imperialist USA.

Instead of being played to hate on and fight against each other, all the people who are oppressed, exploited, misused, abused, tormented and terrorized under this system—and all people who really care about justice—need to unite to rise up against, and put an end to, this system that is the cause of all this madness, injustice and atrocity."

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From what I read. It seems you’ve made that sign to generate a conversation that may be needed. But the sign is antagonizing. There was another way to discuss this damning issue.

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You Sir are an instigator, the worst kind knowing that people that look like you put us in the position that we are in today. And you're going to bring more people here just so you can prioritize them over us and still point the finger at us like we've done something wrong. I'm tired of you people, generations and generations destroyed by people with your skin color. You have done nothing but shook up a glass of two different ants just to see them fighting and then you walk away.

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I'm really frustrated that my community often gets treated like a charity case. We’re given temporary fixes like community centers or Section 8 housing, but other groups seem to get more substantial benefits and opportunities. It feels like we’re constantly being left behind. While others are getting better resources, higher-paying jobs, and more support, we’re stuck with just the basics. This inequality is really disheartening and shows that we need more than just quick fixes. We need real, lasting changes to give us equal chances to succeed and thrive.

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What's your take on Robert F. KENNEDY Jr? And do you think he could be an ally?

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In an article on the Trials of the Fascist Donald Trump, Bob Avakian wrote, "There is a certain similarity between some people who are drawn to supporting Trump and various figures who have endorsed and aided the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, out of a misguided belief that Kennedy represents some kind of positive opposition to “the establishment” (or the “established order”) when in fact Kennedy’s “opposition” is well within the framework of the existing system of capitalism-imperialism, and at the same time it is marked by anti-scientific lunacy, particularly but not only in opposition to safe, effective, and life-saving vaccines." Also, check out his article specifically on RFK's anti-scientific lunacy, "ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR... QUACKERY AND CONSPIRACY... UNCONVENTIONAL IDEAS AND A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH: To Debate or Not to Debate—That Is a Question of Principle and Method" https://revcom.us/en/bob_avakian/robert-f-kennedy-jr-quackery-and-conspiracyunconventional-ideas-and-scientific

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