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I agree and I’d add another dimension. It’s become apparent that if any of those of us working for a new system oppress and exploit any others of us, we are in essence working against all of us. We are blocking the road to a liberated society.

all oppressions are interlocking. All life is part of an interconnected whole, both in time and space. All is in constant movement and change. Little, slow, seemingly insignificant and imperceptible changes, under certain conditions, give rise to large, dramatic and perceptible ones.

I grew up in a household that thought nothing of enslaving, exploiting and killing a most ignored and oppressed class, that being other animals. I consumed meat, dairy and eggs, because that’s what I was served. Through years of analysis, research and thought and since reading books such as “An Unnatural Order - the Roots of Our Domination and Destruction of Nature and Each Other” by Jim Mason and “Eternal Treblinka - Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust,” by Charles Patterson (amongst others) I’ve come to understand that comprehending the contradictions between humans and nature especially in the form of other animals, is fundamental to comprehending the nature of capitalism, its drive to expand, dominate and ingest everything in its path as well as how we can dismantle it.

In addition, I now understand that revolutionaries and all working for a better world, need to adopt a vegan philosophy, mindset and lifestyle (i.e. get corpses, milk, eggs and violence off our plates and saturated fat out of our bodies and brain cells), so we can make steady and even accelerated progress towards our common goals. According to PhD, climate scientist and systems analyst, Sailish Rao, (climatehealers.org) this can also stop and reverse the catastrophic climate crisis. It can keep the pharma-pseudo-kill and medic-kill industries out of our wallets and out of our bodies. (Food as Medicine, by Michael Greger, MD)

Thank you for opening to this. I invite further dialogue, questions, comments, criticisms and/or jokes 😀

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