An armed revolution in the US will take place in an urban environment since there are no jungles in the whole country. There is a great difference between an armed struggle in cities and rural areas. At this address you can get the manual of the revolutionary urban guerrilla book in either English or Spanish.
Excellent statement. Here's a relevant quote from BA that came to mind: "In the final analysis, as Engles expressed it, the proletariat must win its emancipation on the battlefield. But there is not only the question of winning in this sense, but of how we win in the largest sense. One of the significant, if perhaps subtle and often little noticed ways in which the enemy, even in defeat, seeks to exact revenge on the revolution and sow the seeds of its future undoing, is in what he would force the revolutionaries to become in order to defeat him. It will come to this: we will have to face him in the trenches and defeat him amidst terrible destruction, but we must not in the process annihilate the fundamental difference between the enemy and ourselves. Here the example of Marx is illuminating: He repeatedly fought at close quarters with the ideologists and apologists of the bourgeoisie but he never fought them on their terms or with their outlook; with Marx his method is as exhilarating as his goal is inspiring. We must be able to maintain our firmness of principles, but at the same time our flexibility, our materialism and our dialectics, our realism and our romanticism, our solemn sense of purpose and our sense of humor." Bob Avakian, For a Harvest of Dragons, 1983. Also quoted in BAsics 5.24.
An armed revolution in the US will take place in an urban environment since there are no jungles in the whole country. There is a great difference between an armed struggle in cities and rural areas. At this address you can get the manual of the revolutionary urban guerrilla book in either English or Spanish.
Excellent statement. Here's a relevant quote from BA that came to mind: "In the final analysis, as Engles expressed it, the proletariat must win its emancipation on the battlefield. But there is not only the question of winning in this sense, but of how we win in the largest sense. One of the significant, if perhaps subtle and often little noticed ways in which the enemy, even in defeat, seeks to exact revenge on the revolution and sow the seeds of its future undoing, is in what he would force the revolutionaries to become in order to defeat him. It will come to this: we will have to face him in the trenches and defeat him amidst terrible destruction, but we must not in the process annihilate the fundamental difference between the enemy and ourselves. Here the example of Marx is illuminating: He repeatedly fought at close quarters with the ideologists and apologists of the bourgeoisie but he never fought them on their terms or with their outlook; with Marx his method is as exhilarating as his goal is inspiring. We must be able to maintain our firmness of principles, but at the same time our flexibility, our materialism and our dialectics, our realism and our romanticism, our solemn sense of purpose and our sense of humor." Bob Avakian, For a Harvest of Dragons, 1983. Also quoted in BAsics 5.24.